Revolutionizing Ex-Asset Management

Welcome to a new era of precision, safety, and compliance with the GExI Inspection App – a game-changer in Ex-Asset Management. Here’s why our app is not just beneficial but essential for our valued customers:

Enhanced Efficiency in Inspections

  • Streamlined Process: GExI simplifies and streamlines the inspection process, making it more efficient and effective.


  • Real-Time Data Access: Access inspection data instantly, empowering users to make informed decisions promptly.

Actionable Insights for Informed Decision-Making

  • Intelligent Analytics: GExI provides powerful analytics, translating inspection data into actionable insights for better and safer decision-making.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Anticipate and proactively address possible issues, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operations.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

  • Stay Compliant: GExI is designed to align with global standards such as IEC 60079 and NEC 500-516, ensuring that your inspections meet regulatory requirements.
  • Automated Compliance Checks: Receive automated alerts and notifications to stay on top of compliance deadlines and requirements.

Comprehensive Asset Management

  • Lifecycle Visibility: GExI offers a comprehensive view of your Ex-assets throughout their lifecycle, from installation to replacement.
  • Asset Tracking: Easily track assets, facilitating efficient management and minimizing the risk of oversight.

Cost Savings and Resource Optimization

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Optimize resource allocation based on real-time insights, reducing unnecessary costs.
  • Preventive Measures: Identify potential issues early on, preventing costly repairs and replacements.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Intuitive Design: GExI boasts a user-friendly interface, ensuring users of all levels can navigate and utilize the app seamlessly with minimal training required.

 Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

  • Mobile Accessibility: Download the GExI Inspection App on Android and Apple devices, providing flexibility and accessibility anytime, anywhere.

Take advantage of the future of Ex-Asset Management. Download the GExI Inspection App now on Android or Apple devices and embark on a journey towards safer, compliant, and more efficient inspections. Your assets deserve the best – GExI delivers. Contact us to find out how you can benefit from this App!