IAEI – The International Association of Electrical Inspectors  


At the heart of electrical safety lies a commitment to public well-being and a dedication to ensuring that electrical hazards are minimized. The International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) is at the forefront of this mission, serving as a not-for-profit professional trade association devoted to safeguarding lives and property by championing expert, unbiased leadership in electrical code and standards development. 

Who is IAEI? 

The IAEI brings together electrical professionals and experts from around the world. Their mission is clear: to provide premier education, certification, and guidance for individuals working within the electrical industry. Their work is pivotal in maintaining electrical safety standards, and they play a vital role in shaping the industry’s future. 

Knowledge Reinforcement in a Classroom Environment 

The collaboration between IAEI and Global Ex Solutions delivers instructor-led knowledge reinforcement training. This essential training occurs within a classroom environment, where electrical professionals delve into the intricacies of the NEC 500 Code of Practice. By providing this high-quality classroom experience, participants understand the standards and practices vital to electrical safety. 

Practical “Hands-On” Training in a Simulated Environment 

However, knowledge alone is not enough to ensure safety. To truly enhance the learning experience, the partnership offers practical “hands-on” training and assessment. These sessions take place in a realistic simulated environment, replicating real-world scenarios. Attendees benefit from a comprehensive learning experience that can be seamlessly transferred to their working settings. This practical training enhances their real-world capabilities, making them even more effective in their roles. 

A Commitment to Electrical Safety 

IAEI understands the critical importance of updating and maintaining minimum standards for electrical safety. Across the globe, various jurisdictions enforce compliance with electrical codes like the National Electrical Code (NEC), Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code), National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), or the International Residential Code (IRC).  

The collaboration between the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) and Global Ex Solutions is a testament to the unwavering commitment to electrical safety. By providing expert training, guidance, and assessment; this partnership ensures that electrical professionals are equipped to face the challenges of the industry head-on. Together, they contribute to a safer and more secure electrical landscape, protecting lives and property from electrical hazards. 

If you would like more information on IAEI, please visit their website; International Association of Electrical Inspectors (iaei.org)